What People Have Said...

I took many classes from Holly and learned so much from her. But it wasn’t until I went to her GOOD GIRLS AREN’T FUNNY talk that I saw things about myself that finally made sense as to me in terms of women’s conditioning.

It was a lightbulb moment that I still refer to.
— Stephanie Courtney, "Flo" from Progressive Insurance
Holly Mandel is a master improvisational instructor — she knows what she’s talking about and has blown my mind many times with her insights!
— WIll Forte, SNL, Last Man on Earth
Anyone who learns from Holly is lucky. You can glean a lot from her...and have a blast doing it. I don’t think there are many people who understand the dynamics of improv and what is going on under the surface for students as her.
— Chris Parnell, SNL, Anchorman, Archer
Holly honestly changed my life last night.

There were so many topics that she would hit and light bulb after light bulb started going off in my head like, “oh yeah, I’ve been in that situation!

Yes, there have been times when a male on my team didn’t even make eye contact with me when I’m addressing them, only to listen to the next person who’s saying the same thing I am...
— Shannon, NYC
This talk by Holly Mandel legit changed my life.

For me, it is THE answer to understanding & negotiating the tricky mischief of gender dynamics- on stage and off. If I were Queen I’d make every woman, man, and child see this.
— Lindsey, LA
It was so meant to be that I caught your lecture when I did. I’ve been on this very purposeful “soul searching” journey for the past few years, and there was a disconnect that was keeping me back… the “Good Girl” of course!

It’s so easy to see the “Good Girl” as a good thing, and I was clinging on to her thinking her safe path would guide me when really she kept me back from real growth.

I so appreciate the work you put into your lecture, it was very easy to understand and your delivery hilarious.

I loved it so much I wanted to do the Good Girl Improv Workshop even though I was coming in as an actor and scarred by my past improv experience.

Listening to the other girls and doing the exercises was scary, enlightening, and fun! I think I want to pursue more improv classes from that experience, especially if it’s your badass lady class!

Just want to say THANK YOU, you inspired me and your work is very meaningful!
— Melanie, LA
Hi Holly, I just wanted to say thank you for an incredible talk and subsequent discussion!

There were so many women in the room, yourself included, who impress me with their achievements, have made me laugh and inspired me with their comedy. To hear them speak about how they have struggled with the exact things you were talking about made me think that maybe I could also face my fears when it comes to performing comedy.

By the end there was a real sense of sisterhood in the room- and not one that felt forced or cliché. Can’t wait for more discussions and workshops!
— Clemence, LONDON
Thank you again for presenting your Good Girls Aren’t Funny talk at the Groundlings last night!

It was really nice to see a presentation that tied together all of the “trends” and presented it in a way that women can really understand. Dots were connecting for me and things were starting to make sense in ways they just never had before.
— Ambar, LA
Your workshop lasted only 4 classes but I got more out of those 4 classes than I’ve gotten out of years worth of class after class of performance/acting, etc.

The support you receive as a woman and performer is incredible. I always knew that I had certain nerve, self esteem and confidence issues but wasn’t sure why. It turns out, many women have the same program running about who, what and how we “should be...
— Aavi, LA
Thank you so much for recognizing the things no one talks about and everyone feels. I hope I can take more of your classes in the future!

Also, I respect you so much and it meant so much what you said to me at last class about my performing. I really owe most of that confidence to you because it’s been gone for awhile.
— Natalie, NYC
100% of the things you said resonated with me. I think back to them daily. I wanted to say thank you. Thank you for putting words to feelings that I have had for years and years.
— Kasey, LONDON